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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Innovative Mode of Talent Training Driven by AIGC Technology

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.022


Jie Feng

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Jie Feng


The purpose of this study is to explore how AIGC technology affects and promotes the innovation of talent training mode. Through the comprehensive use of literature review, empirical investigation and data analysis, this study deeply analyzes the core characteristics of AIGC technology and its application in talent training. The experimental results show that AIGC technology can significantly promote the design of personalized learning path, the application of intelligent assisted instruction system, and the effective combination of online learning and virtual practice, thus enhancing students' learning effect and interest. This study not only provides guidance for educational institutions on how to effectively use AIGC technology to improve teaching methods, but also provides decision support for policy makers to promote the overall progress of the education industry. Based on the experimental results, this paper also puts forward a series of policy suggestions and practical guidance to promote the wider application of AIGC technology in the field of education. Finally, this paper points out the limitations of the research and looks forward to the future research direction.


AIGC technology; Talent training mode; Personalized learning; Intelligent assistant teaching