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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on Regional Economic Development and Public Policy Integration of Smart City Construction in the Digital Economy Era

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.018


Chang Wang, Weiyu Zhang

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Chang Wang


In the era of the digital economy, smart city construction has become crucial to promoting regional economic development. With "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" as the core, this paper explores the innovation and transformation of digital technology and smart cities and the collaborative creation of regional economy and public policy. However, the regional economy faces many challenges in digitization, including the digital divide, predicament, and domination. This paper proposes strategies to address these challenges, including using two-way coordination to eliminate the digital divide, optimizing the multiple sharing of public policy governance, correcting digital dominance, and promoting the coordinated development of the smart city industry. Through these efforts, the regional economic balance is expected to be restored, and sustainable development of the economy in the digital economy era will be achieved. In conclusion, this paper makes an in-depth analysis of the regional economic development and public policy integration in the construction of smart cities in the era of the digital economy and puts forward feasible countermeasures and suggestions.


Digital economy era; Smart city construction; Regional economic development; Public policy integration