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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Teaching Exploration of Ideological and Political Education in Accounting Courses in Colleges and Universities—Taking the primary accounting course as an example

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.017


Guosong Tang, Mingrong Wen

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Guosong Tang


There are a large number of students majoring in accounting in colleges and universities. The ideological and political education of accounting courses is particularly important to improve the comprehensive quality of students in an all-round way. Based on the research status, this paper analyzes the characteristics of ideological and political education in accounting courses. Taking the primary accounting practice course as an example, the ideological and political teaching design is carried out and the teaching practice is carried out. The results show that the professional teaching based on the main line of ' post course competition certificate ', the ideological and political education is naturally integrated into it, the comprehensive quality of students is improved in an all-round way, and the growth of students is better. It is an effective way to improve the teaching reform of accounting courses.


ideological and political education; accounting courses; post class competition card in the image