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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

A Study on the Role Orientation and Function of Counselors in the Ideological and Political Education of College Students

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.015


Zhou Yuanhongyi

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Zhou Yuanhongyi


This article aims to delve deeply into the role positioning and functions of counselors in ideological and political education for college students. As the backbone of ideological and political education for college students, counselors play multiple roles as organizers, implementers, and guides in daily ideological and political education and management work. They are not only mentors on the life path of college students, assuming the role of educators, but also play a crucial role in promoting the comprehensive development and efficient progress of college students. Additionally, counselors actively participate in career planning and employment guidance for college students, helping them clarify their career directions and enhance their employment competitiveness. Through the analysis of counselors' role positioning, this study further elaborates their important roles in ideological and political education, aiming to provide theoretical support and practical guidance for promoting the professionalization of college counselors and enhancing the effectiveness of ideological and political education.


counselor; ideological and political education for college students; role positioning; educational role; career planning and employment guidance; professional development