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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press
Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Exploration of innovative approaches to music education

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.013


An Di

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An Di


Innovative approaches to music education are emerging as transformative tools to engage and inspire children, fostering both their creativity and appreciation for music. These approaches go beyond traditional methods, incorporating interactive technologies, multidisciplinary activities, and experiential learning to captivate young minds. By integrating games, apps, and digital platforms, educators can create immersive musical experiences that resonate with today's tech-savvy generation. Moreover, the use of storytelling, visual arts, and movement can enrich the learning process, making music more accessible and relatable to children of diverse backgrounds and learning styles.While embracing innovation, it is crucial to preserve the integrity and structure of the music being taught. This involves maintaining a balance between creativity and discipline, ensuring that students not only enjoy the learning process but also develop a solid foundation in music theory, technique, and appreciation. Collaborative learning environments, where students can explore, experiment, and collaborate with peers, can further enhance their musical understanding and skills. Overall, innovative approaches to music education offer a dynamic and engaging way to introduce children to the world of music, igniting their passion and curiosity while honoring the rich traditions and principles of music education.


Innovative Approaches; Music Education; Captivate; Integrity; Structure