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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Protection and Inheritance of Cultural Resources in Rural Revitalization through Space Creation - Taking Rural Tourism Scenic Spots as an Example

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.012


Wen Bai

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Wen Bai


With the deepening implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, the space creation of rural tourism scenic spots has become an important way to promote rural economic development and cultural inheritance. This article took rural tourism scenic spots as an example, with space creation as the main theory. Starting from the current situation and problems of rural tourism scenic spots, combined with the basic theory of space creation, space creation strategies were designed for rural tourism scenic spots from the four dimensions of "people, place, culture, and industry", and the feasibility of this article's design through data analysis was evaluated. The study found that the design scheme has achieved positive results in improving the satisfaction of local residents and tourists, achieving cultural inheritance, and improving the quality of life of residents. The highest cultural protection score can reach 96.7 points (out of 100), and the design also has significant advantages in facility completeness and visual appeal.


Space Creation; Rural Revitalization Cultural Resources; Protection and Inheritance; Rural Tourism Scenic Spots