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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

A Study on Smart Hotel Management System Based on Big Data

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.010


Jiaxin Hu, Mengjia Lei, Jianfeng Dong

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Jianfeng Dong


The intelligent analysis of big data provides more efficient technical solutions for smart hotel management, and has also become a key support technology for smart hotel construction.This paper starts from analyzing the connotation of big data and smart hotel management, explores the construction method and application strategies of smart hotel management system based on big data, and uses the case of Marriott International Group to show the application effect of big data in actual hotel management.Conclusion shows that big data technology has not only had a significant impact on the operating pattern of current hotel industry, but also has guiding significance for the future development trend of tourism industry.


big data; smart hotel management system; hotel management and operation