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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Analysis and Research of Tourist Appeal Based on Online Review Visualization

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.009


Jiaxin Hu, Mengjia Lei, Jianfeng Dong

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Jianfeng Dong


The demand of tourists is the direct reflection of tourists to the service of tourist scenic spots, and it is also the basis of improving the service of scenic spots. This paper takes Zhangjiajie National Forest Park as the empirical object, and identifies the keywords and emotional tendencies in the comments by deeply mining the online comments of Ctrip users. On this basis, through co-semantic analysis, the review data is transformed into a visual relationship network to reveal the internal logic and interrelation of tourists' demands. Through data visualization analysis, the main characteristics of tourists' demands and their causality are extracted. The research results show that the demands of tourists are mainly reflected in the layout of scenic spots, infrastructure and services, tourism interaction and other aspects, which can be improved by optimizing the layout of scenic spots, strengthening the construction of infrastructure and creating interactive scenes.


Online comments; Tourist appeal; LDA topic analysis; Sentiment analysis