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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Optimization strategy of physical education curriculum in primary and secondary schools under the perspective of physical education integration

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.007


Bingbing Wang, Yuyan Dong, Yiru Wang, Xiachenhao Lan

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Bingbing Wang


Physical education in primary and secondary schools plays a vital role in cultivating students' physical quality, exercising will quality and promoting healthy growth. This paper discusses the optimization method of physical education curriculum in primary and secondary schools, taking the development and implementation of ice and snow project curriculum as an example. This paper analyzes the importance of physical education curriculum reform, as well as the challenges and risks faced by the development and implementation of ice and snow project curriculum. In order to promote the curriculum improvement of physical education in primary and secondary schools and promote the good development of ice and snow projects, we have put forward a series of implementation plans and innovative measures.


integration of sports and education; ice and snow sports; ice and snow sports; development; implementation