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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

A Survey on Sleep Quality and its Influencing Factors among College Students

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.005


Zhipeng Sun, Ye Li

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Zhipeng Sun


In order to understand the current situation of college students' sleep quality and its influencing factors, and to propose targeted solutions and suggestions to improve students' sleep quality, this paper did a survey on sleep quality of 514 ordinary college students in grades 1-3 from a university in Sichuan Province. The Pittsburgh sleep quality index scale (PSQI) and self-made Questionnaire was used to evaluate students' sleep quality, data was calculated and analyzed through SPSS 25.0 to figure out the problems and influencing factors existing in students' sleeping patterns. Results revealed that the majority of students sleep well, there were no significant differences among genders and majors. However, there were significant difference among students of different grades (P<0.05). The proportion of students with sleep problems increases with grade level. Additionally, about 1/3 of students' sleep efficiency was lower than normal Standard. The author suggests that the school should take comprehensive measures to improve the quality of students' sleeping and promote the development of their physical and mental health.


College students; Sleep quality; Influencing factors; Improvement Suggestions