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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The Practice of "Eight Collaborations" for Industry-Education Integration in Cultivating Applied Talents

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.004


Li Du, Siyi Ji

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Li Du


Industry-education integration is a crucial measure for applied universities to address the issues of talent cultivation and social demand. However, due to differences in values, nature, functions, goals, and reactions to social changes between universities and enterprises, the integration remains superficial, resulting in a significant gap between the quality of applied talent training and social demand. With the aim of cultivating applied talents, this article focuses on the commonalities between "industry" and "education" by targeting the needs of the industry for talents and the process of professional talent training. It constructs an "eight collaborations" education model for industry-education integration in applied undergraduate universities, providing a valuable reference for applied universities to achieve industry-education integration.


talent cultivation, industry-education collaboration, practice