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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

A Corpus-based Comparative Study between Machine Translation and Manual Translation—Taking the translation of Farewell to Cambridge as an example

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.003


Yueqin Wu, Hongyu Hu

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Hongyu Hu


The paper aims to compare and analyze ChatGPT translations and manual translations of Xu Zhimo’s poem Farewell to Cambridge through the self-built corpus from the dimension of vocabulary, sentence and discourse respectively. As to the dimension of vocabulary, this paper will deepen the illustrations and corpus from lexical diversity, lexical density, lexical frequency and word length. As to the dimension of sentence, figures and illustrations will be explored from mean sentence length. As to the discourse, readability and understandability will be developed in details. According to the collected data, this paper attempts to put forward the limitations of machine translation in translating literary works and the irreplaceability of human translation so as to help Chinese literature “go out” better.


Corpus; Comparative study; Translation of Farewell to Cambridge; ChatGPT