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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Study on Graphic Symbolic Context in Art Education for Special Groups

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DOI: 10.25236/lccie.2024.016


Xiaoting Pang

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Xiaoting Pang


With the rapid development of the information age, graphic symbols have become a convenient means for People ' s Daily communication, especially the communication with special groups is inseparable from the effective communication of graphic symbols . Graphic symbols have the functions of guiding psychological cognition, communicating emotions and transmitting information . After sensing the emotional needs of the human heart, especially for special groups, the graphic symbol design uses emotional elements as the foundation and perceptual perception as the means to achieve a high degree of integration between graphics and emotions, forming a special symbol system without borders and language expression.Graphic symbols transcend the senses, combine time and space to reorganize, rely on emotion and color elements, and re - create with the help of modern scientific and technological means, which greatly improves the communication power and appeal of graphics . At the same time, it is important to accurately analyze the effect of graphic symbols on special groups, interpret the audience ' s receptive ability of graphic symbols, and deal with the audience ' s receptive ability, individualized difference ability and the audience ' s information feedback, which is an important link to solve the effectiveness of graphic symbols communication .


Colleges and universities, Special education, Art and design, Graphic symbols