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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

A School-based Empirical Study on Blended Teaching Mode of College English in Agricultural Universities

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DOI: 10.25236/lccie.2024.002


Hongcai Yan, Yinqiu Song, Yunying Han

Corresponding Author

Yinqiu Song


The members of the research group adopted the blended teaching mode of college English in the experimental class (47 students in Class A3A4 of Economics and Management, Grade 2020), while the traditional teaching mode was adopted in the control class (41students in Class A3A4 of Agronomy, Grade 2020). After two years of practice, no matter the students' final grades or CET-4 grades, the students in the experimental class are obviously better than those in the control class. In addition, according to the statistics of the students participating in various national competitions for college students, the students in the experimental class are also obviously better than those in the control class in terms of the number of winners and the level of winners.This fully shows that the application of the blended teaching mode of "classroom teaching + online learning" in college English teaching in agricultural universities is effective, which promotes the improvement of students' comprehensive application ability of English language.


college English, blended teaching mode, online, offline, learning platform