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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Study on the impact of public physical and psychological recovery under audio-visual interaction in forest landscape

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DOI: 10.25236/iceesr.2024.036


Yu Zhang

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Yu Zhang


As a significant venue for public recreation and relaxation, forests serve as vital natural resources in urbanized regions. Drawing upon the physical and mental resilience offered by forest visual landscapes, this study analyzes the interactive perceptual resilience resulting from forest audio-visual interaction post-urban noise stimulation. Three types of forest sounds (artificial, living, and natural) collected around Sedan Mountain in Kunming are utilized as research subjects to quantitatively assess and analyze physiological and psychological indicators pre- and post-exposure to forest landscapes and sounds amidst urban noise. The findings reveal changes in subjects' physiological and psychological indices before and after exposure to forest sounds. Specifically, subjects exposed to various forest sounds following noise stimulation displayed reductions in heart rate and skin conductivity, with natural sounds exerting the most significant impact on these reductions. Moreover, natural sounds exhibited the highest positive effect on psychological evaluation scores. Subjects generally favored natural sounds, as evidenced by significant correlations between all indicators in the correlation analysis of psychological and physiological parameters. The results underscore that different types of sound stimuli alleviate emotional anxiety and physical and mental fatigue to varying extents, with natural sounds demonstrating the most beneficial effect on mitigating human irritability and promoting restoration.


Forest Soundscape, Physiological, Psychological