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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Tourism development and management of rural ecological landscape resources

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DOI: 10.25236/iceesr.2024.017


Haiyan Wang, Qinghua Zhao

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Haiyan Wang


Rural landscapes encompass a diverse array of land units found within rural regions, and rural ecotourism represents a tourism endeavor centered on these captivating ecological landscapes. This article delves into strategies for the development and management of rural ecological landscape resources, with a focus on fostering sustainable tourism growth in rural areas. Through an analysis of the current state of rural ecological landscapes and illustrative case studies, the article puts forward recommendations for tourism development and resource management. Furthermore, it underscores the significance of sustainable practices in managing rural ecological landscape tourism. In China, rural ecological tourism is still nascent and requires a holistic approach that integrates sustainable practices across rural ecology, economy, society, and culture to ensure its long-term viability.


Rural areas; Ecological landscape resources; Tourism development and management