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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Analysis of Population Growth in Guangxi Based on Multivariate Statistical Models

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DOI: 10.25236/iceesr.2024.007


Jie Ge

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Jie Ge


The population growth trend in Guangxi is showing a steady upward trend, but it also faces challenges such as population aging and declining fertility rates. To address these challenges, this article uses a multivariate statistical model to predict population growth in Guangxi and proposes a series of policy recommendations. The government should suggest optimizing the population structure, encouraging childbirth to increase fertility rates, and strengthening care and protection for the elderly. It should also strengthen talent introduction, improve talent treatment, and attract more high-quality talents. Additionally, efforts should be made to promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas, narrow the urban-rural gap, and promote balanced population development. Furthermore, the government should strengthen population management and services, improve population information management systems, and enhance management efficiency and accuracy. These measures will contribute to the healthy, orderly, and balanced development of the population in Guangxi, and provide strong support for the economic and social development of Guangxi. In the future, Guangxi should deepen research on population issues and continuously improve its policy system to adapt to the constantly changing population demands. Through scientific predictions and policy adjustments, Guangxi is expected to make new breakthroughs in population issues and inject new impetus into regional development.


Multivariate statistical model; Population growth in Guangxi