Exploration of Teaching Strategies for Drama, Film and Television Performance under Multidimensional Thinking
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DOI: 10.25236/iceesr.2024.002
Corresponding Author
Huan Chen
In the teaching of drama, film and television performances, traditional teaching methods often focus on imparting and imitating skills, while neglecting the cultivation of students' innovative thinking, cross-border cooperation ability, and comprehensive literacy. With the rapid development of society and cultural diversity, the demand for talents in the field of drama, film and television performance is also constantly changing. In order to adapt to this change, it is necessary to explore a more open, inclusive, and innovative teaching model. This article focuses on in-depth exploration of teaching strategies for drama, film, and television performance under the context of diverse thinking. The article first outlines the theory of pluralistic thinking and points out the inherent connection between pluralistic thinking and theatrical film and television performance. Next, the article analyzes the current situation of theatrical film and television performance, emphasizing the importance of theatrical film and television performance under diverse thinking. Furthermore, this article provides a detailed analysis of the teaching strategies for theatrical film and television performance under diverse thinking, and conducts relevant case studies on theatrical film and television performance under diverse thinking, highlighting the importance of teaching theatrical film and television performance under diverse thinking.
Multidimensional thinking; Drama, film and television performances; Teaching strategies