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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research and Practice on Process Evaluation Model of College English Course Based on Network Environment

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DOI: 10.25236/iceesr.2024.001


Wei Zeng

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Wei Zeng


This paper aims to explore the practical effect and application value of the process evaluation model in college English courses under the network environment. This paper constructs a process evaluation framework adapted to the network environment and applies it to practical teaching in order to stimulate students' interest in learning, enhance their autonomous learning ability and improve the teaching effect. In terms of methods, this study designed a set of process evaluation model with diversified evaluation tasks, and collected data through questionnaires, interviews and performance analysis to evaluate the application effect of the model. In practice, we should pay attention to students' subjectivity and interaction, encourage students to participate in the evaluation process, and feedback the evaluation results in time to guide students' learning. The experimental results show that the process evaluation model has achieved positive results in college English courses. Students' learning enthusiasm has been significantly improved, their autonomous learning ability has been enhanced, and their English scores have been improved. In addition, students generally hold a positive attitude towards this evaluation model, and think it is helpful to improve the learning effect and promote all-round development.


Information technology; Network environment; College English course; Process evaluation