Application potential and risk challenges of artificial intelligence ChatGPT in the field of foreign language teaching in universities
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DOI: 10.25236/icemudss.2023.020
Gao Yi, Cao Qiuyang
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Gao Yi
Artificial intelligence ChatGPT has both a great application potential and certain risk challenges in the field of foreign language teaching in colleges and universities. As a teaching aid, it can provide abundant teaching resources for teachers and students, create practical training conditions in second language communication and customize personalized learning programs for students. As an emerging technology, it may lead to the risk of weakening the critical thinking ability of teachers and students, the ethical risk of educational application, and other possible technical risks, hinder the fair development of education. In this regard, the paper holds that human beings should analyze the change dialectically, treat the riskes rationally, and rise to the challenges actively. When facing the teaching application of artificial intelligence ChatGPT, researchers should adhere to the attitude of finding and correcting mistakes, discovering and solving problems, detecting and making up for deficiencies, utilizing and expanding advantages. Only by embracing artificial intelligence with an open mind, can human beings continuously promote the development and progress of education and civilization.
artificial intelligence; ChatGPT; foreign language teaching; application potential; risk challenges