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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Digital Financial Regulatory Index System and Effectiveness Evaluation Method Based on Hadoop, Spark, and Multi-index Comprehensive Evaluation Method

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DOI: 10.25236/icemudss.2023.010


Jiarun Shen

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Jiarun Shen


Due to digitalization's rapid alteration of the financial sector, flexible and responsive regulatory frameworks are now required. An innovative digital financial regulatory index system is explored in this essay, along with its foundation in Hadoop, Spark, and a Multi-index Comprehensive Evaluation Method. Because it makes use of cutting-edge tech and a thorough review framework, this fresh strategy completely alters the norm for regulatory examination. The paper begins with a brief overview of the problem space, then moves on to describe the underlying ideas, architecture, data collection and manipulation methods, multi-index assessment mechanism, case studies, and finally, a critical evaluation of the system's efficacy and possible future possibilities for its evolution. Research like this promises a resilient and adaptable regulatory regime for the digital financial ecosystem by not only addressing the regulatory challenges of the digital era, but also by providing a dynamic solution that emphasizes the convergence of cutting-edge technologies and complex evaluation methodologies.


Digital finance, Regulatory assessment, Hadoop, Spark, Multi-index evaluation, Data processing, Effectiveness, Financial stability