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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Business Analysis and Marketing in the Context of Big Data: From Consumer Behavior to COVID-19

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DOI: 10.25236/icemudss.2023.004


Zhiqi Gao

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Zhiqi Gao


With the development of big data technology, new changes have occurred in the relationship between business analytics and marketing. From a consumer behavior perspective, this article discusses new content, new challenges, and new strategies for business analytics and marketing in the context of Big Data. This article argues that the integration of big data and business analytics has brought about new changes in marketing and provided consumers with diversified, intelligent and personalized services and products. At the same time, Big Data also leads to marketing chaos, consumer confusion, and derivative risks. Therefore, business and marketing analytics are needed to address these challenges. This article lays out strategies such as two-way upgrading, common sharing, and value reversion, aiming to correct big data, improve marketing, and achieve high-quality business analytics and marketing development.


Big data; Business analytics; Marketing; Consumer behavior