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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education and the Improvement of Students' Comprehensive Quality in Private Undergraduate Colleges and Universities

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DOI: 10.25236/icssem.2024.030


Lan Yue

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Lan Yue


This study aims to deeply explore the intrinsic link between entrepreneurship and innovation education in private undergraduate colleges and universities and the improvement of students' comprehensive quality. Through the analysis of the current situation of entrepreneurship and innovation education in private undergraduate colleges and universities, combined with the actual situation of the improvement of students' comprehensive quality, empirical research methods are used to explore the positive impact of entrepreneurship and innovation education on students' knowledge, ability, attitude, and values. The research results show that entrepreneurship and innovation education in private undergraduate colleges and universities can effectively promote the improvement of students' comprehensive quality, and the improvement of students' comprehensive quality also has a positive feedback effect on the deepening and development of entrepreneurship and innovation education. This study has important theoretical and practical significance for optimizing the entrepreneurship and innovation education model of private undergraduate colleges and universities and improving students' comprehensive quality.


private undergraduate colleges and universities; entrepreneurship and innovation education; improvement of students' comprehensive quality; empirical research; intrinsic link