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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press
Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Design and Implementation of an Information Management System for Comparative Test Organization

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DOI: 10.25236/ichess.2023.026


Wei Bian, Weifeng Che, Jihui Yang

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Wei Bian


This paper combines systems engineering ideas with top-level design as the main thread, integrating the corresponding technical documentation system and writing standards to develop an information management system for comparative test organizations. The purpose of this paper is to provide a useful, effective, and practical tool for the development of comparative testing, aiming to achieve functional goals such as improving organizational efficiency, reducing organizational difficulty, standardizing organizational processes, and managing test schedules. This paper features five modules: system subsystem management, business management, organization and implementation, process control, and data management. After testing through experiments, we find that the system works well, and the software and hardware are highly compatible, allowing it to be put into normal use.


Comparative Test, Information Management System, Technical Document