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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Analysis of highway engineering construction technology management and maintenance method

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DOI: 10.25236/icetmr.2023.023


Jilin Zhang

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Jilin Zhang


In recent years, with the rapid progress of the highway engineering construction process in China, the economic exchanges and communication between different provinces and regions have become more and more close. Highway engineering plays a great role in promoting the development of various economic undertakings in our society. However, due to the difficulty of highway engineering construction technology management, the long construction cycle, and the huge capital required, any construction link or management problems, will affect the quality of highway construction. However, after the delivery of highways, there are many and complex maintenance problems, which have brought a lot of impact on the normal use of highways, so the research on this aspect should be strengthened. This paper analyzes the construction technology management and maintenance methods of highway engineering, combines the different construction requirements, principles and maintenance needs, put forward some reasonable construction technology management and maintenance scheme, improve the construction technology management and maintenance quality.


Highway engineering; construction technology; maintenance