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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Discussion of the Cross-Domain F5 Kill Chain Problem for Time-Sensitive Targets

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DOI: 10.25236/iwmecs.2023.015


Cheng Zhenyu, Ji Ming, Xu Junyi

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Cheng Zhenyu


In response to the challenge of constructing a kill chain in scenarios involving multiple batches of time-sensitive targets, we have analyzed the limitations of the traditional F2T2EA kill chain model in the context of future combat scenarios. Subsequently, we propose a theoretical model for a cross-domain F5 kill chain specifically tailored to address time-sensitive targets. In the technical realm, we have developed a mathematical model that takes into account the threat level posed by incoming targets. This model can rapidly generate the required kill chain to meet the demands of modern operations, utilizing the Monte Carlo search algorithm. Furthermore, we have applied concepts from complex network modeling and group replacement theory and implemented a sliding window mechanism to construct a mathematical model capable of quickly generating the necessary kill chain to address the operational needs of this new era.


Time-sensitive targeting, F5 kill chain, cross-domain, substitution group, kill chain closure