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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research and Practice of Innovative Models of Music Education under Digital Platforms

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DOI: 10.25236/iceieis.2023.033


Shu Xinqi

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Shu Xinqi


With the rapid development of digital technology, the field of music education is also undergoing continuous innovation. In this process, the digital platform has become an indispensable part. This paper explores the innovation mode of music education under the digital platform from multiple perspectives and puts forward relevant practical strategies. Through the enrichment of digital teaching resources, the implementation of online interactive teaching, the introduction of virtual reality technology and the construction of intelligent teaching systems, music education can become more efficient, convenient and interesting. In order to realize these innovative modes, schools should focus on the construction of digital teaching resources. They should actively implement online interactive teaching and try to use virtual reality teaching technology. Furthermore, they should try to build intelligent teaching systems to improve the quality and effectiveness of music education.


digital platform; music education; innovative mode; practical strategy