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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

A Study on College English Reading Teaching Based on Udig

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DOI: 10.25236/iceieis.2023.031


Hao Kexin

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Hao Kexin


Based on the Overall Plan for Deepening the Reform of Educational Evaluation in the New Era, this study aims to explores the application of Udig(College Edition) in college English reading teaching.41 non-English major sophomores from City Institute, Dalian University of Technology participated in the present study. Udig reading tests were used to investigate the changes in students’ reading ability. Additionally, the quantitative data were supplemented by interviews to explore the specific changes in students’ reading ability and its influencing factors. After a year of teaching practice, the Udig system effectively improved students’ English reading ability, with the average scores of level 6-7 improved greatly. Meanwhile, although the exercises provided by Udig are highly targeted, students are expected to complete the exercises independently, which requires high autonomous learning ability. Therefore, some students still need to improve their learning initiative through the efforts of themselves and the teacher’s. Besides, teachers need to updated the concept of college English reading teaching, improve the teaching design and teaching methods.


Udig; College English; reading teaching