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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Integration of Traditional Music Culture in College Vocal Music Teaching

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DOI: 10.25236/iceieis.2023.002


Lu Hongyu

Corresponding Author

Lu Hongyu


Traditional music culture is a valuable treasure of the Chinese nation, and its integration into vocal music teaching in colleges and universities can not only improve the artistic level and teaching effect of vocal music teaching, but also promote the inheritance and development of traditional music culture. However, in order to realize the organic integration of traditional music culture and vocal music teaching, some problems still need to be solved, such as the imperfect teaching material system, the low quality of the teaching team, and the lack of students' knowledge of traditional music culture. Therefore, education departments and colleges should take a series of measures to promote the process of integration of traditional music culture and vocal music teaching. These measures include strengthening the construction of teaching materials, improving the professional quality of teachers, and organizing various kinds of ethnic music activities. The goal is to lay a solid foundation for the cultivation of musical talents with ethnic characteristics.


vocal teaching in colleges and universities; traditional music culture; integration; status quo and problems; countermeasures