Analysis of regional economic differences in the process of new urbanization in China
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DOI: 10.25236/icemeet.2023.031
Yu Zhang, Jiaxian Chen, Rixin Zhang, Sixi Peng, Zhuotong Gu
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Rixin Zhang
As one of the largest developing countries in the world, China has experienced rapid urbanization in recent years. New urbanization is regarded as an important engine of China's economic development. However, this process is accompanied by significant regional economic differences. The purpose of this study is to explore the regional economic differences in the process of new urbanization in China, so as to understand the challenges and opportunities faced by different regions in the process of urbanization. This paper constructs a subsystem of the evaluation system from five dimensions: economic growth, employment and population, infrastructure and services, industrial structure, environment and social development, and finally selects 17 specific indicators to measure the level of regional economic development. Using Gini coefficient decomposition method and KDE(Kernel Density Estimation) method, this paper analyzes the regional differences, distribution dynamics and convergence of regional economic development level in China. It is found that the eastern coastal areas are still in a leading position in urbanization and economic growth, while the urbanization process in the western and central regions is relatively lagging behind. These differences are mainly influenced by historical reasons, uneven allocation of resources and policy implementation. Government policies have played an active role in reducing regional economic disparities. However, the fundamental solution to the disparities needs more structural reforms and long-term policy support.
regional economic; new urbanization; economic differences