A study of the space divergence of factors influencing house prices in Chinese cities based on the additivity model
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DOI: 10.25236/hecb.2023.018
Jie Zhang, Qingguo Tang
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Qingguo Tang
The study analyses the direction of association and variability between housing prices and their influencing factors in eastern and central-western cities in China. A panel of housing prices and selected factors for eastern and mid-western cities in China during 2010-2020, an additivity model is developed and the model is fitted using the R software mgcv package. The study finds positive effects of urban disposable income per household, the share of tertiary industry in GDP, and permanent population on housing prices in eastern and midwestern cities, and negative effects of loan interest rates of financial institutions. The effects of GDP per capita, residential investment amount, and domestic site area on house prices in eastern and central-western cities show differences.
urban house prices, additivity models, influencing factors