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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Practice and Experience of Intangible Cultural Heritage Education and Inheritance in Universities

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DOI: 10.25236/hecb.2023.014


Lang Li, Liu Xun, Wang Yan

Corresponding Author

Liu Xun


The construction of intangible cultural heritage education system in colleges and universities should follow the theory of higher education and the framework of education system, establish the educational concept of “culture and people, living transmission, three-dimensional development, practice and innovation”, and the target system of “cultivating Intangible cultural heritage skills, professional skills, innovation ability and voluntary spirit”, build the content system of “curriculum teaching, association construction, workshop construction, innovation and entrepreneurship, voluntary service, exhibition and exchange” and the organizational system of “multi-party collaboration, inheritance and promotion, international dissemination and innovative development”. In terms of educational content and implementation, the existing curriculum and practical teaching system should be improved, the orientation of promoting learning and practice by competition and emphasising innovation and application should be formed, and the system of volunteer service and exhibition and exchange should be constructed. The platform and carriers should be expanded in accordance with the objectives of “multi-party collaboration, inheritance and promotion, international dissemination and innovative development”.


Universities, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Education, Practice