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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Study on the Innovative Development of Cultural Tourism in Zhengzhou City

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DOI: 10.25236/hecb.2023.005


Yanqing Xue, Limin Yan

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Yanqing Xue


The innovative development of cultural tourism is the main means of tourism as a means to promote economic growth, adjust into industrial structure, and guarantee the development of people's livelihood, as a strong grip to promote supply-side structural reform, and as an important support for Zhengzhou City as an economic growth point during the 14th Five-Year Plan. By sorting out the relevant cultural tourism resources in Zhengzhou, this paper proposes that the factors that restrict the innovative development of cultural tourism in Zhengzhou are cultural tourism products, government tourism policies, infrastructure construction and promotion platforms, and the implementation of path measures that should enhance cultural technology to help innovation development, promote the development of immersive cultural tourism projects, create online and offline joint marketing and stimulate the vitality of nighttime cultural tourism consumption, so as to promote the innovative development of cultural tourism.


Zhengzhou; Cultural Tourism; Innovative Development