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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The Current Situation and Educational Strategies of College Students' Rule of Law Literacy in the New Era

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DOI: 10.25236/ehmit.2023.072


Yanjun Dai, Yetian Wang

Corresponding Author

Yetian Wang


Rule of law literacy is a key competence for college students in the new era which is important to build a country based on the rule of law. Based on the investigation of 1686 college students, the study found that the overall rule of law awareness of college students in the new era is fairly good. However, there are still the following problems: firstly, the mastery of the rule of law theory is less systematic. Secondly, the growth of the ability of the rule of law lags. Thirdly, lack of belief in the rule of law. The study put forward strategies to strengthen and improve the “integration”, “functionalization”, and “synergy” of rule of law education in families, schools, and society, to enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of rule of law literacy education for college students.


A New Era, College Students, Rule of Law Literacy, Educational Strategies