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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Cultural Embedding and Presentation Methods in Chinese and American Movie Productions

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DOI: 10.25236/ehmit.2023.070


Nuo Cheng, Ling Shou, Quanhong Jiang

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Ling Shou


With the development of the Internet, countries in the world have become more closely connected, and at the same time, the competition for cultural soft power among countries has also become more intense, especially in the field of cultural value. And with the development of movie industry, movie productions have become the main tools of exporting cultural values. Compared with America, China is in a weak position in international influence, especially in movie industry and movie productions. Under such a condition, it is difficult to show the world the Chinese cultural values and sound Chinese voices. This paper aims to compare the American and Chinese cultural values, analyze the development of their movie productions, and explore the paths and strategies for the creation and dissemination of Chinese movies.


Movie, Cultural Values, Soft Power, Cultural Communication