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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Management Mechanism for Industry-Academia Cooperation in Higher Education

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DOI: 10.25236/ehmit.2023.067


Jiaolei Xu

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Jiaolei Xu


The practical orientation of industry-academia cooperation in higher education provides a niche space for vocational colleges, forming a differentiated field from general universities. Based on a literature review, this article explores the management mechanism for industry-academia cooperation in higher education from three levels: planning, execution, and evaluation. The implementation of the teaching system for industry-academia cooperation education allows students to learn by doing and do by learning through the interactive rotation of "school learning" and "workplace learning" courses. This process combines theory, practice, and reflection, achieving a close interactive relationship between theoretical instruction and workplace internship verification, and ultimately achieving the educational goal of "practicality," which is highly valued in higher education.


Management Mechanism, Industry-Academia Cooperation, Higher Education