An Analysis of John Burroughs’ Natural Literature from the Perspective of Ecosemiotics
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DOI: 10.25236/ehmit.2023.049
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Shiyao Wu
As a branch of human ecology, the theory of ecosemiotics has taken solving ecological crisis and establishing the relationship between ecology and culture as its own duty since it was put forward. Ecosemiotics refers to the establishment of equal communication and symbiosis between human beings and nature in order to transcend anthropocentrism. As a social phenomenon and a natural phenomenon, landscape contains the interaction between man and nature. Ecosemiotics points out the method and path of how to achieve ecological harmony between human and nature contained in landscape. Ecosemiotics has a strong explanatory power to landscape writing in natural literature. Therefore, the method of ecosemiotics is used to analyze John Burroughs’ natural literature works such as Wake—Robin, Winter Sunshine, Poet and Bird and so on. This paper mainly analyses the generation of landscape from physical image to cultural image in these works, the state of “corporeality” in different dimension of nature, and the regulating role of nature in ecological harmony, which provides the possibility for the realization of ecological utopia.
Ecosemiotics, John Burroughs, Natural Literature, Landscape Writing