Exploration and Practice of a Collaborative Education Practice Teaching Model for the Cultivation of Application-oriented Legal Talents
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DOI: 10.25236/ehmit.2023.048
Muling Yuan, Rongxiang You
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Muling Yuan
The discipline of law is highly practical so legal education must strike a balance between theoretical and practical teaching. Exploring an application-oriented, collaborative legal talents cultivation mechanism with practical ability training as the key is a vital subject facing legal education. To adapt law talent cultivation to the demands of law professions and social needs, and to further enhance the quality of application-oriented law talent cultivation, more exploration must be done in practical teaching to achieve connotative development in legal education. For now, there are some problems in college training to varying degrees, such as the disconnection between law students’ ability cultivation and law professional job requirements, the incomplete practical teaching system, the imperfect collaborative education mechanism, and the lack of practical experience among law teachers. Given this, this paper proposes to lay a solid foundation for the cultivation of application-oriented legal talents by introducing an OBE (Outcome-based Education) teaching philosophy, optimizing talent cultivation goals and graduation standards, building a diversified and integrated practical teaching model, and strengthening the cultivation of “Dual-professionally-titled” teaching staff through the collaborative education mechanism of deep college-government-enterprise integration.
Application-oriented Legal Talents, Collaborative Education, Practical Teaching Model, Law Practical Ability