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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

A research on E-commerce Trust Mechanism Based on Block Chain

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DOI: 10.25236/ehmit.2023.034


Qingnian Wang, Li Wu

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Qingnian Wang


More than 20 years ago, the concept of electronic commerce appeared on the Internet of our country. In recent years, e-commerce industry with its fast and convenient advantages, the development trend is unstoppable. At present, online shopping occupies an increasing proportion in daily life. At the same time, the issue of trust has been closely related to the long-term development of the e-commerce industry. With the advent of blockchain 3.0 era, the current trust problems in e-commerce industry, such as fake reviews, widespread fake and shoddy products, can be well solved through the application scenario of blockchain + e-commerce. This paper first discusses the feasible trust mechanism of e-commerce from the perspective of blockchain.


blockchain, Electronic Commerce, Trust Problem