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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on Maker Education under the Theory of “Embodied Cognition”

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DOI: 10.25236/ehmit.2023.025


Qianying Zou, Junliang Hou

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Qianying Zou


Currently, there is a lack of teaching subjectivity in maker education, and there is also a problem of insufficient emotional resonance in practical teaching. However, through embodied practical operations, maker education courses can organically integrate students' emotions, attitudes, and wills, and achieve a transformation from "disembodied cognition" to embodied cognition. In this process, students can integrate the value concepts contained in maker education into their self-constructed "meaningful world". Embodied maker education teaching can adopt diverse designs, such as cooperative learning, teacher-student interaction, and situational setting, which have embodied characteristics. Through these methods, a path to improve the quality and efficiency of maker education can be constructed, and its focus on educating students can be returned to. The essence of embodied maker education is to cultivate students' innovation and creativity while promoting the maker spirit, allowing students to feel the value concept of "people-oriented" in practice and become lifelong learners with pursuits and values.


Embodied Cognition Theory, Ideological and Political Education in Physical Education Curriculum, Subjectivity, Diversified Design, Cooperative Learning, Teacher-student Interaction, Scene Settings