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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Construction of Practical Teaching Quality Assurance System for Computer Talents in Applied Universities

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DOI: 10.25236/ehmit.2023.021


Fengping Cao, Xiangju Lib, Zhu Lin

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Fengping Cao


Computer majors have strong requirements for practice, but in the training of practical ability of computer talents in application-oriented universities, there are some problems, such as unclear curriculum objectives, insufficient ability focus, loose functional connection, and unrealistic practical projects, and the quality of practical teaching cannot be guaranteed. Based on the current situation, a quality assurance system for practical ability training with comprehensive design ability as the main line, spiral advancement, continuous optimization, and seamless connection with the needs of industry enterprises is established. To ensure the interlocking of practical teaching and promote the virtuous circle of practical teaching.


Layered Progressive, Practical Teaching, Talent Training, Quality Assurance System