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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on the Course Design of Exercise Fat Reduction for Obese College Students

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DOI: 10.25236/ehmit.2023.007


Junjie Liu, Menghan Jiang

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Junjie Liu


Obesity not only affects the physical and mental health of college students, but also affects their academic performance and the rate of reaching the standard in college physical fitness test. Based on the current situation that the obesity problem of college students is becoming more and more prominent and that more and more colleges and universities set up courses of fat loss through exercise for obese students, this paper uses research methods such as literature data method and logical analysis method to analyze the necessity of designing courses of fat loss through exercise for obese college students, starting from the aspects of course concept, course objective, course content and course evaluation. The course design of exercise fat reduction for obese college students was studied. It is concluded that the course of fat reduction through exercise for obese college students should establish the course concept of "life care"; Set the course goal of "fat reduction and slim down"; Determine the course content of "combining theory with practice"; Build a course evaluation system of "emphasizing the effect of exercise on fat reduction".


Colleges and universities, Obese students, Exercise fat reduction course, Design idea