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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on the Archives Management Mode of College Graduates under the Severe Employment Situation

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DOI: 10.25236/icfmhss.2023.035


Tongtong Han

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Tongtong Han


College students' files are the predecessor and an important part of college graduates' transformation into personnel files after leaving school for employment. They are the bridge and link between graduates' transformation from student status to professional workers. They contain all kinds of information of students during their school days, such as college entrance examination results, academic achievements during their studies in colleges and universities, internship practice performance and rewards and punishments, which provide an important basis for employers to select talents. But at present, the overall level of student file management is relatively backward, and the management of student status in most colleges and universities still stays in the traditional management operation mode. This paper puts forward the employment files of college graduates and their management methods, and explains the flexible connection function of files between graduates, employment market and universities, so as to provide theoretical reference for expanding the functions of university archives and improving the view of archives inside and outside universities.


Employment; Graduates; Archives management