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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press
Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Electronic Information Engineering

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DOI: 10.25236/icceme.2023.021


Baofei Huang

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Baofei Huang


In recent years, due to the increasing level of research and development of science and technology, the development trend of artificial intelligence (AI) gradually expanded. Electronic information technology also combines electronic information engineering and high technology to further promote the development of electronic information engineering. This paper takes the introduction of high technology as the starting point, introduces the relevant basic knowledge of electronic information technology, and discusses the use of high technology in electronic information engineering. The article also showcases the practical applications of artificial intelligence in electronic information engineering, such as the hierarchical structure of self-organizing networks, and routing tables and protocols. These suggestions highlight the value of electronic information technology in maintaining internet security, big data processing, and software and hardware updates.


Artificial intelligence; Electronic information; Application situation