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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research and Analysis on Optimization Algorithm of Computer Network Information Resource Transmission

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DOI: 10.25236/icceme.2023.001


Limin Zhang, Shengqiang Hu

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Limin Zhang


With the continuous development of network technology, the cost of network bandwidth is decreasing and the types and methods of network access devices are increasing, which makes multi-homed terminals with multiple network interfaces more and more popular. However, the effective detection of threat information in the transmission of network communication resources is conducive to improving the security of network information and reducing the transmission and storage overhead of the system. Because threat information usually contains a variety of noise spectrum characteristics, and its spectrum characteristics are highly dynamic, it is difficult for existing algorithms to obtain accurate threat information data characteristics. Therefore, a multi-level self-adjusting notch threat information optimization detection method is proposed. In order to improve the transmission efficiency of encrypted information in ship computer networks, this article proposes a WART ship network resource transmission method. Firstly, construct a network transmission control matrix for ship encrypted information resources, generate a computer multi-angle network control access model, and achieve resource transmission control between multiple users in the regional network. By utilizing the principles of statistical concepts, the maximum statistical probability of user access to information resources and the upper limit of multimedia access to ship information can be determined. Based on the inherent relationship between the two, the commonality calculation is carried out to optimize the transmission of encrypted information resources in computer networks.


Computer network; Information resources; Transmission optimization algorithm