Research on the influencing factors and promotion strategies of clean government governance efficiency in colleges and universities
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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2023.029
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Wenchao Lu
The efficiency of clean government governance in colleges and universities is related to the quality and development of higher education, and directly affects the health and long-term cause of national education. Through the in-depth analysis of the influencing factors of the clean government governance efficiency in colleges and universities, this paper finds out the problems of system, system, culture and technology, and puts forward a series of specific improvement strategies. It includes improving the system, optimizing the system of discipline inspection and supervision organs, creating a clean campus culture, and using big data to empower clean governance. This study helps to improve the efficiency of clean government governance in universities and provides theoretical support for the construction of clean universities.
Effectiveness of Honest Governance; Influencing Factors and Improvement Strategies