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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The development path of higher education management from the perspective of pluralistic governance

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DOI: 10.25236/iemetc.2022.043


Yuhao Fan

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Yuhao Fan


After the government implemented the list of powers, limited government is increasingly recognized by management, and there is an urgent need to build a new system for education governance. The theory of public governance in education emphasizes the joint participation of the government, social organizations, the market and other entities in the management of public affairs of higher education, providing a new path for the transfer and undertaking of government management functions. In the context of the state advocating lifelong education and building a learning society, the government and society pay more attention to the development of community education. In the current social context of vigorously advocating lifelong education, the development of community education has attracted much attention, and the state attaches more and more importance to it. With the continuous development of domestic higher education, the governance of colleges and universities has received more and more attention and attention, and the management of higher education, as an important part of the work of schools, urgently needs to be innovated and reformed from the perspective of pluralistic governance. The management of higher education should be truly implemented from management to governance, and the use of pluralistic governance theory to build a pluralistic participation in governance system, so that schools, faculties and departments, teachers and students and other management entities participate in the management of higher education. The government needs to define the management authority, introduce follow-up supporting policies, and promote the institutionalization and standardization of transfer and undertaking; Social organizations should strengthen their own capacity building and improve their ability to undertake; Colleges and universities should improve their internal governance mechanisms and make good use of the government's decentralized autonomy in running schools.


Public governance; Higher education; Handing operation