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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The Hidden Dimension of Cosmetic Surgery Among Women: Romantic Recognition

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DOI: 10.25236/wchss.2017.07


Bita Behravan

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Bita Behravan


Cosmetic surgery, its prevalence among women and the reasons why they choose to do such a risky, expensive and painful procedure had been a matter of research recently. Technology had made it easier for women to change their appearance quickly and almost permanently. Iran is a country in which cosmetic surgery had become very common. The intention behind such behavior is of importance since it can help women to reflect on their will to undergo cosmetic surgery. Regarding this, an interview with women who had different kinds of cosmetic was conducted (N=10). To get an overview about the surgeon’s notion, an interview with a plastic surgeon was also conducted. The interview questions were basically directed toward their most important motivation of undergoing cosmetic surgery, the notion of women toward beauty, its importance in life, its role in romantic relationships and its probable effects on men’s faithfulness. This qualitative research is based on the open questions and answers that the interviewees freely talked about. The results can partly show the hidden motivations and intentions that volunteers of these surgeries have. They are the intentions that normally are not talked about and are hidden behind the surface reasons.


Cosmetic surgery, Beauty, Romantic Relationships, Motivation, Faithfulness.