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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Study on the Strategies and Suggestions for Promoting Students' Learning Engagement in College English Blended Teaching

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DOI: 10.25236/acetl.2021.067


Hang Dai, Tianyu Zhao

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Tianyu Zhao


In the information age, teachers are not the only source of information. The traditional single teaching mode brings about problems such as passive learning and low learning interest. The contradiction between the trend of credit compression of college English courses for non-English major college students and the high demand as well as individual needs of students in foreign language learning determines that single classroom teaching can no longer meet the needs. The decline of the MOOC boom in 2014 proves that the single online learning model also has defects. As a response to the defects of a single model, blended learning, that is, a teaching form that combines face-to-face instruction and online learning in the classroom, is developing rapidly around the world. As the executor of teaching, teachers restrict the quality of blended teaching. The purpose of this research is to construct a framework for teachers' effective teaching behaviors in college English blended teaching, to investigate the current implementation status of some colleges and universities, and then to explore the main factors that affect these effective teaching behaviors and the interaction among the factors, so as to improve suggestions on the quality of teaching.


College english blended teaching, Learning engagement, Suggestions