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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press
Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Application and practice of computer information processing technology based on large data

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DOI: 10.25236/mmmce.2021.042


Jia Guo

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Jia Guo


With the continuous improvement of advanced science and technology, the specific requirements for the storage space inside the computer are also more strict. Under the background of the times, large data technology emerged, which provides a lot of convenience for daily production and life. This paper introduces the data theory and the computer IPT, and discusses the main characteristics of the computer IPT. large data is the general name of many data information integration, which has been widely used in various industries. Computer IPT is the prerequisite for the continuous development of large data. Under the background of large data, computer IPT shows the development trend of cloud computing network, data resource sharing and Internet technology. At the same time, computer IPT is also facing great challenges, mainly manifested in the need for higher information security level and stronger data value mining ability.


Large data, Computer, IPT